Primary Brain Tumors

Primary brain tumors are categorized as either high-grade (rapidly growing) or low-grade (slow growing). However, even low-grade tumors can be dangerous because the skull encases the brain, a finite space that cannot accommodate tumor growth. Expanding cancer creates pressure in the skull and can damage the brain. A low-grade brain tumor can become high-grade, growing faster and endangering life. Every year, about 22,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Metastatic Brain Tumors

Also called secondary brain cancer, this disease begins elsewhere in the body (the primary cancer), then spreads to the brain. Metastatic brain cancer is far more common that the primary form — about 100,000 people in this country are diagnosed with secondary brain cancer every year. The prognosis for these patients depends on the size, location and origin of the primary disease.

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